Wednesday, October 12, 2011

ARCHIVED REVIEW: The Final Solution: A Story of Detection (6/9/10)

The Final Solution: A Story of Detection
by Michael Chabon

A young mute German Jewish boy in 1944 with a parrot on his shoulder stumbles across the greatest detective who ever lived, who has currently retired to the country to keep bees. A man is murdered and the parrot is stolen, and Sherlock Holmes is called on once again to... vaguely amble in the direction of the solution.

It was cute, but it was not my Sherlock Holmes. Sometimes there would be flashes of him, but as he is now 80, that takes a toll on even the great detective.

I was really intrigued by the parrot, and I loved the chapter that was told from his perspective. However, the lack of resolution as to the parrot bothered me.

I was a bit disappointed in this book, as I usually love Michael Chabon for his vivid characters and structural complexity. However, aside from the chapter told from the parrots POV, it felt a bit mushy.

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